" Discover the Christmas in the largest open-air museum in France. Venture to the Ecomusée d'Alsace where the beauty of the houses immerse you in the traditions of Alsace in the past. "
Experience an authentic Christmas at the Écomusée d'Alsace From 30 November to 5 January, discover the traditions of Christmas in France's largest open-air museum. Venture to the Écomusée d'Alsace, where the beauty of the houses will immerse you in the customs of Alsace in days gone by. Take part in the many daily activities, take a tractor ride, taste the famous Alsatian "bredeles", meet the emblematic characters of winter... And feel the magic and warmth of an authentic Christmas.
- Pets allowed : yes
- Additional amenities/services : Toilets
- Languages spoken : French, German, alsacian, English
- Food or dining on-site : Cafeteria, Restaurant, Food for groups, Catering for groups, Small-scale catering
- Practical services and amenities : Group reception, Aire de pique nique, Shops /Sale of goods
- Rates : Adult: 16,50 € | Child (4-17years): 11 € | Child (-4years): free
- Type of event, exhibition : Traditional feast
- Location/Start of the event : Ecomusée d'Alsace
- Parking for vehicles : Free parking for cars, Free parking for camper vans, Coach parking
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Opening hours and dates are subject to change depending on circumstances. Please plan accordingly.